23 Sept. 2022: Innovate UK is now in the process of conducting a further round of applications targeting SMEs - technology / solution providers specific to the Foundation Industries (FIs). Information can be found an updated flyer. Please note the deadline for the submission of applications: Friday 30th September, Midday.

Innovate UK would, in particular, like to hear from innovative technology SMEs with offerings relevant to the Foundation Industries (made up of the metals, glass, paper, cement, ceramics and chemicals sectors) and UK Foundation Industry SMEs. They are offering the chance to explore innovation opportunities with India. These innovations must enable sustainability improvements for Foundation Industries and could cover topics such as:

• Sustainability enabling technologies - digital solutions, heat recovery systems, value added processes for waste streams specific to FIs
• New business models for the FIs
• New and efficient production processes for the FIs
• New supply chain models for FIs

This list is not exhaustive of the technologies that enable sustainability. Other innovations are welcome and can be discussed with a member of the events team via email: event.enquiries1@innovateukedge.ukri.org.

Key programme dates:
• Application deadline: Friday 30th September, Midday
• Pre-visit workshops: October 2022
• Innovation visit to India: Saturday 26 November - Saturday 3 December 2022
• Exploitation workshop: March 2023

If you require any additional information on this GBIP please do not hesitate to contact:

Abrar Jawaid
Innovation & Growth Specialist Team Manager
Innovate UK EDGE London
The national innovation & growth service for ambitious businesses, with a team in every region
+44(0)7590 486441 | www.innovateukedge.ukri.org